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What Is Text Alignment in Ms Word

MS-Word is a word processing application that provides many powerful tools, these tools provide a great advantage to the user. It is used to create documents like letters, articles, etc. MS-Word is an interactive and very user-friendly application. It has been developed by Microsoft Corporation Ltd.

Text Alignments

This is one of the features provided by MS-Word to its user. This feature is used by the user to align text or paragraphs so that it gives a good look or a kind of systematic look. There are 4 types of text alignments which are left-aligned, center-aligned, right-aligned, and justified. (All 4 are shown in the below image.

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Left-Aligned Text

A paragraph or a text is left-aligned when that paragraph or text is aligned evenly along the left margin of the page in MS-Word. Now, we will learn step by step with the help of a diagram to make a paragraph text left-aligned.

Step 1: First open MS-Word on your PC.

Step 2: Now, Open the document or create a new one in which you want to perform this operation.

Step 3: Now, select the paragraph text which you want to make Left-aligned.

Step 4: Now, go to the "Home" tab and click on that. (As shown in the below image)

Step 5: Now, go to the "Paragraph" section in the "Home" tab and click on the Left-Align text button.

Step 6: The paragraph text is aligned to left successfully.

Alternate way or using shortcut key:

The shortcut key for Left-Aligned Text is "Ctrl + L".

Now, we can use a shortcut key for the same. Let us see this also step by step:

Step 1: First open MS-Word on your PC.

Step 2: Now, Open the document or create a new one in which you want to perform this operation.

Step 3: Now, select the paragraph text which you want to make Left-aligned.

Step 4: Now, use the Shortcut key which is "Ctrl +L ".

Step 5: The paragraph text is aligned to left successfully.

Center Aligned Text

A paragraph's text or a text will be center-aligned if the paragraph or text is in the center of the left and right margins of the page in MS-Word. Now, we will learn step by step with the help of a diagram to make a paragraph text center-aligned.

Step 1: First open MS-Word on your PC.

Step 2: Now, Open the document or create a new one in which you want to perform this operation.

Step 3: Now, select the paragraph text which you want to make Center-aligned.

Step 4: Now, go to "Home" tab and click on that. (As shown in the below image)

Step 5: Now, go to the "Paragraph" section in the "Home" tab and click on the Center-Align text button.

Step 6: The paragraph text is aligned to the center successfully.

Alternate way or using shortcut key:

The shortcut key for Center-Aligned Text is "Ctrl + E".

Now, we can use a shortcut key for the same. Let us see this also step by step:

Step 1: First open MS-Word on your PC.

Step 2: Now, Open the document or create a new one in which you want to perform this operation.

Step 3: Now, select the paragraph text which you want to make Center-aligned.

Step 4: Now, use the Shortcut key which is "Ctrl +E".

Step 5: The paragraph text is aligned to the Center successfully.

Right-Aligned Text

A paragraph's text is said to be right-aligned when it is aligned evenly along the right margin of the page in MS-Word. Now, we will learn step by step with the help of a diagram to make a paragraph text right-aligned.

Step 1: First open MS-Word on your PC.

Step 2: Now, Open the document or create a new one in which you want to perform this operation.

Step 3: Now, select the paragraph text which you want to make Center-aligned.

Step 4: Now, go to the "Home" tab and click on that. (As shown in the below image)

Step 5: Now, go to the "Paragraph" section in the "Home" tab and click on the Right-Align text button.

Step 6: The paragraph text is aligned to the center successfully.

Alternate way or using shortcut key:

The shortcut key for Right-Aligned Text is "Ctrl + R".

Now, we can use a shortcut key for the same. Let us see this also step by step:

Step 1: First open MS-Word on your PC.

Step 2: Now, Open the document or create a new one in which you want to perform this operation.

Step 3: Now, select the paragraph text which you want to make Right-aligned.

Step 4: Now, use the Shortcut key which is "Ctrl +R".

Step 5: The paragraph text is aligned to the Right successfully.

Justified Text

A paragraph's text is said to be justified when it is aligned evenly along both the left side and the right side margins of the page in MS-Word. Now, we will learn step by step with the help of a diagram to make a paragraph text justified.

Step 1: First open MS-Word on your PC.

Step 2: Now, Open the document or create a new one in which you want to perform this operation.

Step 3: Now, select the paragraph text which you want to make justified text.

Step 4: Now, go to the "Home" tab and click on that. (As shown in the below image)

Step 5: Now, go to the "Paragraph" section in the "Home" tab and click on Justify text button.

Step 6: The paragraph text is aligned to the Justified text successfully.

Alternate way or using shortcut key:

The shortcut key for Justified Text is "Ctrl + J".

Now, we can use a shortcut key for the same. Let us see this also step by step:

Step 1: First open MS-Word on your PC.

Step 2: Now, Open the document or create a new one in which you want to perform this operation.

Step 3: Now, select the paragraph text which you want to make Justified Text.

Step 4: Now, use the Shortcut key which is "Ctrl +j".

Step 5: The paragraph text is aligned to the Justified text successfully.

What Is Text Alignment in Ms Word
